Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cat's Cradle 1: Religion

         In Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle, religion is a major theme so far. The main character, Jonah, is a Bokononist. He grew up a Christian, and converted as an adult. Bokononism is not very similar to Christianity; though there is a God, worshiping God is not the main priority. In fact, Vonnegut takes it a step further, saying that relgion is based on lies. Bokononism is more like a way of life. It is based on the idea that humans are organizes in teams The idea of God and religion comes up frequently. Throughout the novel, Jonah compares and contrast the ideas of Christians versus those of Bokononists. While reading this book, I am reminded of The Tao of Pooh. Though Taoism is different from both of the religions mentioned in Cat's Cradle, the ideas are very similar. Bokononism and Taoism share the appreciation for everyday life. Both religions make a point to learn from mistakes, and they stress that everything that happens is important. In Vonnegut's novel, characters insist on the truth of God. But in the Bokononist and Taoist point of views, truth is not important.

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